Ms. Ou’s Class

caterpillar students discuss

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to our Chinese dual-language program. My name is Chen Ou and I am very excited to be your child’s Chinese language art teacher this year!

I will be teaching both Kindergarten and first grade. I would like to take
this time to introduce myself. I am looking forward to working with you and your child throughout this school year.

I am a firm believer in having open communication between home and school. You know your child best and I am happy to work in collaboration with you.

Working together, we will make this year a success!

Please contact me if you have questions or concerns about your child. The easiest way for you to reach me is by Class Dojo

Ms. Ou

A typical day will contain the following activities:

8:10 am – Only for students who need breakfast
8:25 am – For all students
(Don’t forget to complete your child’s health screening by scanning the QR code before he or she enters school.)
Please go to the schoolyard and look for a GREEN BOOK sign to line up
Ms. VeronicaMorning Meeting and Phonics
Reading Workshop
Writing Workshop
Ms. OuProject Based Learning (Science and Social Studies)
Chinese Language Arts
Math Workshop
Ms. Bauman/Mr. CruzArt/Physical Education

Meet Ms. Ou

Hello Friends and Families! My
name is Ms. Ou and I am so excited to be the Chinese teacher in our Chinese Dual Language Program in Kindergarten and First Grade.

This will be a fun year filled with adventures and we are going to have a blast! I can’t wait to meet and get to know each one of you!

Use Class Dojo to connect directly with teachers