Reading, Writing, & Math In April

Class 203 had the opportunity to take Music and STEM classes. Students are learning how to play the recorder with Mr. Ru and learned how to build robotics using LEGOS. In phonics, we are learning vowel teams to read and spell words. We also are working on phonic centers to practice our phonic skills. In math centers, second graders are learning how to identify and count coins.

In the context of our Reading Unit, our second-grade students becoming series readers to be experts on characters. Series readers collect information about the main characters, noticed characters’ actions and relationships in the story, and pay attention to how characters respond to problems. Each book club hosted a debate to discuss about the character’s trait for the main character of their series book and used text details to support their opinions.

In the context of our Writing Unit, our second-grade students are writing their realistic stories. Second-grade writers used various ways to bring stories to life, by including the characters’ feelings, thinking, actions, and dialogues.

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